1 year

with Lucia & Priya

with Lucia

with Lucia

with Lucia

with Priya

with Cindy

with Lucia
11 months

with Socks on left
9.5 months

nestled under the Xmas tree

trying out the laptop

with Blueberry

with Lucia enjoying the snow

with items from his first TICA show
9 months

at his first TICA show

beautiful cage curtains made by Cindy

with Lucia

with Lucia

with Lucia

with Lucia

with Lucia in Junior Exhibitor Ring

with Lucia in Junior Exhibitor Ring

with Lucia in Junior Exhibitor Ring

with Lucia in Junior Exhibitor Ring

with Lucia in Junior Exhibitor Ring

with Lucia

with Lucia

with Brahms on left, Socks on upper right, & Blueberry on lower right

with Brahms on lower left, Blueberry on upper left
& Socks on upper right on counter
8 months

Halloween with Cindy

Halloween with Lucia

Halloween with Lucia

with Lucia

Halloween with Lucia, Arielle, Priya & Diego

Halloween with Lucia, Arielle, Priya & Diego

with Blueberry on left
7.5 months

getting ready for Halloween with Lucia

getting ready for Halloween with Lucia & Diego

with Blueberry on right

with Blueberry on left
7 months

with Socks upper left & Blueberry upper right

with Lucia

with Diego
6.5 months

with Blueberry on right

with Priya

with Lucia
23 weeks

Kkeagan-top; Blueberry-center; Brahms-bottom

with Lucia
21.5 weeks

with Socks upper right

with Lucia

with Arielle

with Diego & Lucia

with Diego, Lucia, Arielle, & Priya

with Cindy

checking out little furry ones at Petco
20.5 weeks

with Diego

with Lucia

with Cindy
19 weeks

with loving owner Cindy

with Blueberry on right
17 weeks

with Lucia

with Diego

with Brahms on left

with Blueberry on right
16 weeks

with Brahms on right
15 weeks

with Socks on lower right

with Brahms on left

with Brahms on right

with Blueberry on left

with sweet Priya
14 weeks
13.5 weeks

with sweet Lucia
13 weeks ~ in his new loving home
12 weeks ~ 1.72kg
11 weeks ~ 1.6kg
10 weeks ~ 1.42kg
9 weeks ~ 1.2kg
8 weeks ~ 1.02kg
7 weeks ~ 862g
6 weeks ~ 645g
5 weeks ~ 546g
4 weeks ~ 432g
3 weeks ~ 344g
2 weeks ~ 266g
1 week ~ 198g
newborn ~ 110g