Norwegian Forest Cat Breeders

Av Skara Brae - Sarah Runzis

breeder of Morgan & Evan; owner of Finnishline Jaclyn
Maconnex, France

Epona - Linda Stebner
breeder of Aine & Rhianna;
co-owner of Ethan Chandler Laguna Loire, sire of V-Litter
Pennsylvania, USA

Into Wishin Norwegian Forest Cats
Into Wishin - Melissa Alexander
owner of Handel av Boxerhaven, sire of G-Litter;
breeder of Into Wishin Espresso, sire of O-Litter;
breeder of Into Wishin Rio Samba, sire of Q-Litter, S-Litter, & T-Litter;
co-owner of Ethan Chandler Laguna Loire, sire of V-Litter
Massachusetts, USA

Naturskat (retired) - Linda & Robert Krall
breeders of Guinevere, Halle, Heidi, & Victoria
New York, USA

Winterfyre - Cheryl and Rob Sarges

host family and co-breeder of Winterfyre Fiona  - Susan and Jon Johansen
South Dakota, USA

Norwegian Forest Cat HCM DNA Research Project

Listed below are the founding members of the NFC HCM DNA Research Project

Epona Norwegian Forest Cats

Into Wishin Norwegian Forest Cats

Finnishline Norwegian Forest Cats

Winterfyre Norwegian Forest Cats

Norwegian Forest Cat Genetic Testing Results
Norwegian Forest Cat Genetic Testing Results


Mohawk Valley Cat Fanciers CFA Club

This helpful guide below has been provided by
Mohawk Hudson Humane Society

Adopt a Pet Ultimate Guide

Finnishline Norwegian Forest Cats only provides a choice when choosing a cat as a lifetime companion.
Please consider adopting from your local animal shelter or humane society.

This cattery has NOT been inspected by and is not endorsed by
The International Cat Association, Inc.




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Norwegian Forest Cats

Colleen McGrady
Northeastern New York State

Website design by GBM
For questions or comments about design contact
Mindy Ferreira