Finnishline Ddakota of Winterfyre

3 years, 9.5 months

with Cleopatre av Skara Brae

3 years, 6.5 months

3 years

2 years, 6.5 months

2 years, 4 months

Cleopatre av Skara Brae - The Couch Boss (who sometimes shares her couch :-)

2 years, 3.5 months

2 years, 1 month

2 years

1 year, 11 months

his beautiful Auntie Cleopatre av Skara Brae

1 year, 10 months

1 year, 5 months

1 year, 3.5 months ~ 5.8kg

1 year, 2 months

1 year ~ 5.35kg

11.5 months

10 months ~ 5kg

7.5 months ~ 4.5kg

5.5 months

5 months

20 weeks

19.5 weeks ~ 2.72kg

17 weeks ~ 2.54kg

16 weeks

with Cleopatre av Skara Brae

14 weeks

with his new friend Cleopatre av Skara Brae

with his new friend Cleopatre av Skara Brae

13.5 weeks ~ in his new loving home

13 weeks ~ 1.68kg

12 weeks ~ 1.49kg

11 weeks ~ 1.3kg

10 weeks ~ 1.1kg

9 weeks ~ 907g

8 weeks ~ 726g

7 weeks ~ 634g

6 weeks ~ 464g

5 weeks ~ 358g

with DD-Litter brothers & sister

with brother Ddaegan

4 weeks ~ 305g

3 weeks ~ 255g

2 weeks ~ 213g

10 days ~ 188g

1 week ~ 163g

newborn ~ 102g

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Norwegian Forest Cats

Colleen McGrady
Northeastern New York State

Website design by GBM
For questions or comments about design contact
Mindy Ferreira