The Norwegian Forest Cat

A Little Skogkatt History

=^..^= Although the Norwegian Forest Cat is considered a new breed in the United States, "The Skogkatt" is centuries old in its native homeland. There is speculation that they may be descendants of short-haired cats brought to Norway by the Vikings & long-haired cats brought to Norway by the Crusaders. The adverse Norwegian climate & Mother Nature's "survival of the fittest" played a factor in their evolution. Their dense undercoat is covered by long guard hairs which act as protection against snow & rain. The fully mature coat can take up to 3 years to develop.

=^..^=  Designed by "Mother Nature", Norwegian Forest Cats are available in most colors except for the color-point pattern seen on Siamese. A Norwegian Forest Cat is a heavily-boned cat with a medium length body. Eyes are almond-shaped & expressive. Ears are tufted and some have lynx-like ear tips. Males average 12-15 lbs & females average 8-10 lbs at 4-5 years when fully mature.  

=^..^= FIFe (Federation Internationale Feline) was the first registry to accept the Norwegian Forest Cat for full championship status in November 1977.  The International Cat Association (TICA) accepted the Norwegian Forest Cat for full championship status in August 1984.  The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) accepted the Norwegian Forest Cat for full championship status in 1993.  There are six associations in North America where the Norwegian Forest Cat has attained Championship status:  ACA, ACFA, CFA, CFF, CROWN, and TICA.
=^..^= The first breeding pair of Norwegian Forest Cats was imported into the USA on 01 November 1979 by Sheila R. Gira-Windom of Mycoon Cattery.  A black and white female, Mjavo's Sala Palmer of Mycoon who lived to be 13 years old and a brown classic tabby male, Pan's Tigris of Mycoon who lived to be 18 years old!  Their first litter was born on 29 March 1981. 



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Norwegian Forest Cats

Colleen McGrady
Northeastern New York State




Website design by GBM
For questions or comments contact
Mindy Ferreira