Mohawk Valley Cat Fanciers, Inc. was a club dedicated to helping the plight of homeless animals.
Show Time:
• The club provided free booth space to our local shelters who participated in fund-raising raffles.
• In lieu of money off coupons, we encouraged the public to bring in cat food to receive $1 off admission. This food was distributed to our local shelters.
• In addition to the proceeds from our shows, a donation was also made to local shelters in our judges' names. Our vendors also donated items for our silent raffle held each year which raised funds for our local shelters!!
All Year Long:
• Our club members actively participated in the community and promoted responsible pet care.
• Our club members have rescued their own cats.

Rescue Stories:

Check these links for additional information on adoption and how you can help.
Animal Protective Foundation
Mohawk Hudson Humane Society
Montgomery County SPCA
Saratoga County Animal Shelter
Columbia-Greene Humane Society
Waggin' Tails Pet Rescue
Robin's Nest Rescued Cat Adoptions

Mohawk Valley Cat Fanciers

Copyright © Mowhawk Valley Cat Fanciers, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Website Maintained by Colleen McGrady
Updated: 08/09/17
E-mail comments to finnishlinenfc@gmail.com